4th MRC Summit

The fourth Summit, which focused on the theme ‘Innovation and Cooperation for a Water Secure and Sustainable Mekong‘, was hosted by the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and held on 5 April 2023 following a preparatory Ministerial Meeting on 4 April 2023 and an International Conference of stakeholders on 2-3 April 2023.


The 4th MRC Summit objectives  were to:

  1. Reaffirm the highest political commitment to the 1995 Mekong Agreement and the mandate of the MRC as a treaty-based inter-governmental river basin organisation for Mekong cooperation;
  2. Recognize the progress and achievements of the MRC in fostering cooperation and managing transboundary issues since the last Summit and its role going forward;
  3. Recognize the broader regional developments, challenges and opportunities and the need for a multilateral cooperation, joint effort and partnership; and
  4. Provide directions and guidance on enhancing innovation and cooperation for the water-secured Mekong in line with the priorities stipulated in the Basin Development Strategy 2021-2030.


The International Conference of the 4th MRC Summit provided an opportunity for the MRC and stakeholders from the riparian countries, NGOs, academia, regional/international organisations, the private sector, and other river basin organisations to exchange perspectives, best practices and cutting-edge ideas. Leading by the theme “Innovation and Cooperation for a Water Secure and Sustainable Mekong”, the Conference covered two sessions: 1) How innovative technologies are transforming water management and 2) How responsible financing and gender inclusiveness are making a difference in water resources management.